Boarding At Graymar

Our equine customers may select stall or pasture accommodations.
12 x 12 stalls with Stable Comfort mats designed to reduce stress on joints – the ultimate in luxury!
Fresh pelleted bedding to decrease dust and increase absorbency
Daily turn-out (weather permitting) in shaded paddocks with horse-friendly fencing
On-site supervision 24/7
Run-in sheds for shelter from rain and wind
Horse-friendly fencing
Room to roam
On-site supervision 24/7
All horses are fed twice daily with a high quality complete feed. Coastal hay or alfalfa is fed three times a day. In many of our group pastures, a coastal round bale is available 24/7.
Contact us with any questions!
12 x 12 stalls with Stable Comfort mats designed to reduce stress on joints – the ultimate in luxury!
Fresh pelleted bedding to decrease dust and increase absorbency
Daily turn-out (weather permitting) in shaded paddocks with horse-friendly fencing
On-site supervision 24/7
Run-in sheds for shelter from rain and wind
Horse-friendly fencing
Room to roam
On-site supervision 24/7
All horses are fed twice daily with a high quality complete feed. Coastal hay or alfalfa is fed three times a day. In many of our group pastures, a coastal round bale is available 24/7.
Contact us with any questions!
Riding at Graymar
We have a wide variety of riding disciplines represented at Graymar.
Everyone enjoys sharing ideas and learning from each other. We firmly believe in the benefits of cross training - for horses and humans.
- Dressage - Classical and Western
- Hunter / Jumper
- Western Horsemanship / Showmanship
- Hunter Under Saddle / Equitation
- Trail Class
- Ranch Horse
- Combined Training
- Sport Horse Versatility
- Trail riding and riding for fun!
Many of our competition level horses participate in Quarter, Paint, Open, Hunter/Jumper and Dressage shows.
Our facilities are designed for training and preparation for showing in those disciplines including the All Around events
(Hunter Under Saddle, Hunter Hack, Equitation, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Trail, and Showmanship), Ranch Horse,
Hunter/Jumper and Dressage.
We have 9 riding areas:
Large 150’ x 150’ fenced sand riding arena.
With poles, trail obstacles, cones and more!
Large 175’ x 175’ fenced sand riding arena.
With LOTS of jumps - from ground poles to over 3'!
Small Dressage arena - 20 x 40
Regulation Dressage arena - 20 x 60
Fenced grassy "trail" area with a variety of obstacles.
Covered and lighted 80 x 90 square arena for training and riding.
Open areas for sport horse versatility training, trail and obstacle course work, jumping,
a gallop track, wooded trail area and, as always, just riding for fun!
We have a wide variety of riding disciplines represented at Graymar.
Everyone enjoys sharing ideas and learning from each other. We firmly believe in the benefits of cross training - for horses and humans.
- Dressage - Classical and Western
- Hunter / Jumper
- Western Horsemanship / Showmanship
- Hunter Under Saddle / Equitation
- Trail Class
- Ranch Horse
- Combined Training
- Sport Horse Versatility
- Trail riding and riding for fun!
Many of our competition level horses participate in Quarter, Paint, Open, Hunter/Jumper and Dressage shows.
Our facilities are designed for training and preparation for showing in those disciplines including the All Around events
(Hunter Under Saddle, Hunter Hack, Equitation, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Trail, and Showmanship), Ranch Horse,
Hunter/Jumper and Dressage.
We have 9 riding areas:
Large 150’ x 150’ fenced sand riding arena.
With poles, trail obstacles, cones and more!
Large 175’ x 175’ fenced sand riding arena.
With LOTS of jumps - from ground poles to over 3'!
Small Dressage arena - 20 x 40
Regulation Dressage arena - 20 x 60
Fenced grassy "trail" area with a variety of obstacles.
Covered and lighted 80 x 90 square arena for training and riding.
Open areas for sport horse versatility training, trail and obstacle course work, jumping,
a gallop track, wooded trail area and, as always, just riding for fun!